bet365 House in Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, where around 5,000 staff are employed.
bet365's headquarters in Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent. Photo i-creation.

bet365 raises serious workforce concerns over traffic plan

2 mins read

One of the biggest employers in the area says it has significant concerns over the effect a controversial bus gate will have on staff recruitment and retention.

bet365 believes the planned measure on Basford Bank in North Staffordshire would make things very difficult for employees who use the route.

The bus gate would stop the majority of private motorists travelling westbound on Etruria Road (Basford Bank) from the A500 junction towards Newcastle-under-Lyme during rush hours.*

The online gambling giant employs around 5,000 staff at its office in Stoke-on-Trent – bet365 House – situated less than half a mile away from the designated site of the bus gate. And according to the company’s last travel survey around 70 per of its staff used cars to get to work.

Group Property Director Richard Smith said: “There is no doubt that there would be a detrimental effect on a proportion of our staff who use the route to get to and from work. 

“They would have to find alternative means of transport (such as public transport) which are not currently suitable for all. Or they would have to find alternative routes to work, which could potentially cause air quality issues elsewhere thus only displacing the problem. 

“In terms of current alternative means of transport, I am not aware of any such travel or public transport alternatives that are in sufficient quantity and have sufficient reach across the area to meet the requirements of our workforce.”

The Government has instructed local councils to introduce the bus gate scheme to reduce illegal levels of air pollution detected near the traffic hotspot in a bid to protect people’s health.

The local authorities responsible for implementing it – Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (the latter being supported by Staffordshire County Council) – are seeking minsterial approval to work up alternative, more proportionate, solutions.

Richard added: “I think that rather than look at viable alternatives it is probably worth considering that there are positive contributors to alleviate the need for the bus gate proposal. 

“This would include increasing the number of electric vehicles on the road. We have seen large growth in staff using electric vehicles and have installed a number of charging points at our offices in response to this. 

“It would need further analysis, but I would be surprised if the opening of the Etruria Valley Link Road hasn’t had a positive effect on the air quality issues on Etruria Road as well.”   

Asked if the bus gate scheme would make bet365 consider relocating, Richard said: “The proposal would have to have an extreme impact to make us consider this but we do have significant concerns over the effect it will have on staff recruitment and retention.” 

A spokesperson for the councils said that the three authorities had every sympathy with businesses and wanted to reassure companies they are working with them and listening to their concerns.

*The full details of the proposal, and exactly which vehicles are affected, can be found here

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

1 Comment

  1. Looking at the bus route map maps, it appears that the only bus to actually use the route is the 4/4a, once every 15 mins in either direction. Who’s hair brained idea is it to close a main thoroughfare for 8 buses per hour? The whole point of such a plan is to free up the roads for buses that get stuck in the traffic, however seeing as there are next to none this is flawed from the start. Its about time the council leaders started to think before they speak as most aren’t qualified to tie their own shoe laces, let alone make strategic decisions

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