Mercian Labels factory in Burntwood
The Mercian Labels factory has had solar panels fitted.

£100k investment helps Burntwood printer go green 

1 min read

A self-adhesive label producer has invested £100,000 into measures to cut energy costs and reduce its carbon footprint. 

Mercian Labels had over 250 solar panels installed on the roof of its factory in Plant Lane, in Burntwood, last week. 

With the ability to generate over 98 megawatts of electricity each year, the new system aims to provide more than 15 per cent of Mercian’s annual energy needs, with any surplus being exported back to the grid, whilst simultaneously saving over 21 tonnes of related carbon emissions. 

The company, which employs 57 people, has also replaced 28 traditional high-level lights within the production and warehousing areas with sensor-activated low energy LED lighting. 

The lighting only operates at full strength when a colleague is working in the area directly beneath them. It then reduces to 10 per cent power use soon after the area is vacated, before switching off completely after a further few minutes of inactivity within its field of use. 

Adrian Steele, Mercian Labels, headshot

“As part of our focus on the environment, we see these investments as a real win for everyone,” said Managing Director Adrian Steele, pictured above. 

“As well as reducing our environmental impact, we are also reducing our operational costs, which is not only good for our business, but also benefits our customers and therefore their end users as well.” 

Mercian Labels designs, prints and finishes self-adhesive labels for more than 9,000 customers worldwide. 

It also develops and manufactures the LabelLockTM brand of tamper evident security labels and the GammatexTM brand of chemical sterilisation indicator labels, both of which enjoy substantial global sales. 

Other environmental measures introduced there include sourcing sustainable Wood Film substrates to replace traditional fossil fuel-based label stock, replacing packaging void fill with commonly recyclable paper alternatives, sponsoring and managing the creation of a local woodland as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy scheme and the creation of one of the UK’s first Label Liner Recycling schemes. 

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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