The latest national business headlines #19 - Daily Focus
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The latest national business headlines #19

1 min read

Here are some of the top business stories making the national headlines.

Oil prices surge after surprise move to cut output

Oil prices have surged after several of the world’s largest exporters announced surprise cuts in production. Find out more via the BBC.

Richard Branson’s satellite launching firm Virgin Orbit files for bankruptcy protection

Virgin Orbit has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the US after failing to secure the funding needed to recover from a January rocket failure. Find out more via Sky News.

Calls for energy ‘social tariff’ as UK government support ends

Some of the UK’s least well-off households could be left more than £200 worse-off on their energy bills this year because of reduced government support, the consumer body Which? has warned. Find out more via The Guardian.

Union urges local government members to reject 5% pay offer

A union representing local government workers in Scotland has urged its members to reject the latest pay offer from Cosla. Find out more via the Evening Standard.

Tom Hammersley

Senior Content and Social Media Lead at Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce.

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