Compeititors in last year's Trent100 paddleboard event, which starts in Great Haywood, Staffordshire
Compeititors in last year's Trent100 paddleboard event, which starts in Great Haywood, Staffordshire.

Expansion vessel manufacturers extend sponsorship for paddleboard endurance challenge 

1 min read

Leading expansion vessel manufacturer Zilmet has announced the renewal of its sponsorship for a renowned stand-up paddle board endurance competition. 

Dubbed as the UK’s most exhilarating team paddle challenge, the Trent100 has enjoyed the support of Zilmet since 2017. 

The event begins at Great Haywood, between Stafford and Rugeley and near the sponsors’ Hixon headquarters, and spans 100km of fast-flowing water, culminating in Nottingham city centre. 

Dave Mistry Pain, a member of the Trent100 organisation team, said: “The Trent100’s vision is to ignite the passion within all aspiring stand-up paddle explorers, inviting them to join us on our quest for extraordinary challenges and adventures. 

“We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Zilmet for renewing its support for the competition once again, and we look forward to embarking on this incredible waterborne journey.” 

The Trent100 takes place in July. 

“Being present at the starting line is always a joy for me,” said Zilmet Director Cynthia Fisher. 

“As the paddleboarders make their way along the river, they create a mesmerising spectacle. It is evident that their endeavour involves tremendous effort, but it is equally clear that everyone is thoroughly enjoying themselves.” 

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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