Beta Commercial Finance Managing Director Tom Wilkinson based in Alton, Staffordshire Moorlands.
Beta Commercial Finance Managing Director Tom Wilkinson.

Double awards recognition for Beta Commercial Finance

1 min read

Staffordshire Moorlands-based Beta Commercial Finance is in line for double success in the prestigious national Commercial Broker Awards 2023

Beta has been shortlisted in the SME Champion and Development Finance Broker of the Year categories in the awards by the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB). 

The company, with offices in Alton, was able to demonstrate how they help companies protect business futures and create potential growth.  

For the SME Champion Award, Beta highlighted how they were able to support businessman Simon Heaton to buy his shop in their home village. 

Tom Wilkinson, Beta’s Managing Director, and an Alton resident, said: “Simon was looking to buy the freehold of his Londis store, known as Simon’s Stores. He provides a fantastic service to the village, so I wanted to help him.”  

Beta’s shortlisting in the Development Broker Finance category included an example of how the firm supported a landowner to win funding for a housing development by refining plans for the site in his ownership. 

Tom said: “The general public perhaps think a broker simply takes on board a client’s needs and matches them with a financial organisation with funds available, but that wasn’t the case in either of these cases. 

“For example, Simon had until recently been a sole trader and this could have worked against him with some lenders. Work needed to be done to present a compelling case to the right lender based on evidence of how he had developed a successful business. 

“With the housing development, we worked with the landowner to reconfigure his plans to ensure they were acceptable to the right lender for his needs.” 

Tom, a former business bank manager, founded Beta in 2017 to support companies needing finance to grow. The company now has a team of five. 

Daily Focus previously reported that Tom was named in the 2023 Credit 500 Index – a list of the most influential people in the consumer and commercial credit industry.

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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