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Urgent action from politicians called for to unlock the power of British business

1 min read

The British Chambers of Commerce is calling for urgent action from politicians to stimulate economic growth across the UK.  

The action plan is published in a new report to MPs of all parties called The Power Of British Business: A Framework For The Future. It outlines 16 of the BCC’s key policy asks on economic growth, skills and employment, trade and net-zero.  

Among the key asks are:   

·        Better planning for business so that firms are not squeezed out of towns and cities.  

·        Introduction of flexibility in the apprenticeship levy to support everyone in the workplace.  

·        Strengthened UK-EU co-operation to increase bi-lateral investment levels.  

·        Dramatic energy grid upgrades to ensure there is sufficient network capacity to meet modern needs.  

Following three years of economic shocks, the latest BCC research shows that more than three quarters of businesses are not increasing investment. Companies are also telling the organisation that inflation and interest rates continue to be major pressures.   

The plan outlines a framework for collaborative working between business and politicians. It also stresses that public sector projects must not crowd out private investment. 

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the BCC said: “The economy thrives when business and politicians work in partnership. Today we’re detailing how we unlock the power of British business and get the economic growth which benefits everyone.  

“A better planning system, a flexible apprenticeship levy, strengthened UK-EU co-operation and a dramatic grid upgrade – are all needed urgently.   

“All too often businesses are squeezed out of towns and cities, as good land is given over to housing. Local communities thrive when businesses are at their heart. Those businesses need skilled workers, and a flexible apprenticeship levy will make sure employers can give staff the training they need.  

“The European Union remains our closest trading partner. We need to see UK-EU relations strengthened to benefit the tens of thousands of exporters here.   

“The transition to net-zero presents businesses with opportunities to grow. But access to the national grid is a huge headache for trailblazing companies. We need to make sure there is sufficient network capacity and flexibility for modern energy needs.   

“Action on these key issues will make a dramatic difference for the tens of thousands of businesses we represent.   

“British firms need action, certainty and clarity from politicians – now more than ever.” 

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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