Stafford Town Centre.
Stafford businesses still have time to benefit from the Green Solutions Programme.

Council unveils plans to turn former Stafford Co-op into market and living space 

1 min read

Stafford Borough Council has announced it is to buy the town’s former Co-op department store as part of regeneration plans for the town centre. 

The local authority has secured more than £14 million investment from the government’s Future High Streets Fund and is due to complete a £1 million restoration of the town’s Market Square soon. 

Purchasing the large derelict Gaolgate Street building, which has been empty for a number of years, will be the latest phase of transformation. 

Plans to purchase the site will be discussed at a cabinet meeting on Thursday, 5 October. 

A report to cabinet members recommends approving the plans, and reveals the site could be used to accommodate a market and a food and beverage offer on the ground floor, with around 20 apartments above. 

The former Co-op department store on Gaolgate Street.

Council leader, Councillor Aidan Godfrey, said: “We have made improving the town centre our top priority and we are determined to push ahead in making our vision become a reality.”   

He added: “Developing this substantial and derelict building is yet another piece in that transformation jigsaw. 

“I am really pleased we now have the opportunity of purchasing the former Co-op building with exciting ideas to bring it back into use.”  

The council had previously been in discussions with the owner of the former Marks and Spencer’s unit in Gaolgate Street and wanted to create a mews-style walk from there to the bus station. 

This would have provided a new location for Stafford Indoor Market and a mixture of residential and commercial uses to encourage footfall in that part of the town centre. 

According to a report to the cabinet, other alternatives have been explored but the former Co-op is “most appropriate in terms of value for money”. 

Meanwhile, work improve the approach and entrance to Stafford Railway Station is expected to begin soon. 

Deputy Council Leader Councillor Rob Kenney said: “We are pushing forward with our regeneration plans with greater urgency. Local people have waited long enough to see something happening. 

“Purchasing this prominent, disused building in the heart of the town centre, with the chance to create a retail, residential and leisure offer, is a huge statement of our intent.”  

  • Daily Focus recently reported on independent businesses in Stafford issuing a ‘use us or lose us’ plea, hoping to drum up more support. That story is available here

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

1 Comment

  1. This is positive news for Stafford, in an area of the town blighted by empty commercial premises and low footfall. We continue to call for more public services to be based in the centre of Stafford – e.g. outpatient services. This would improve access to the services for users, as well as encouraging users to support town centre retailers.

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