Shopify Guy's Lliam Green
The Shopify Guy's Lliam Green with the Santa Note website in the background.

Digital marketing expert aims to support charity’s mission to provide beds for children through festive website 

1 min read

A specially designed Christmas-themed website is helping raise awareness for a charity campaign which is providing brand new beds to children without one of their own. 

The festive Santa Note platform, which has been designed and created by Alsager businessman Lliam Green, of The Shopify Guy, allows users to order personalised letters from Santa Claus. 

Proceeds will go towards Emmaus North Staffs’ Beds for Kids campaign which was launched in 2022. 

In May this year, Lliam donated 20 high quality pillows after first learning about the charity via Staffordshire Business Networking group BNI@10. 

Lliam said: “The work the charity does is incredible and the Beds for Kids campaign is so important – so I try to support it as much as possible. 

“It is heart breaking to learn how many children do not have their own bed. Earlier in the year we donated pillows and I wanted to continue to help.” 

Lliam added: “We chose Emmaus North Staffs as our charity for the year and as we lead up to Christmas - which is a time for giving – we want to help John and his team to provide more beds to those who need them.” 

Emmaus North Staffs Executive Lead John Webbe said: “Lliam has been a great supporter of ours and we thank him for all that he has done in supporting our Beds for Kids campaign the year – we really do appreciate it.” 

Funds raised from the Santa Note website will also see sweet treats delivered to local Blue Light services throughout the festive period. 

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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