
Sara’s blog: ‘For once, I was rendered speechless!’

1 min read

On Wednesday night I had the most fantastic and surreal experience.

I was told to be ready at 6pm and that I was being taken out. I was picked up by the Chambers’ data expert, Ryan Dakin, who did a fantastic job of keeping me in the dark throughout the journey.

I had in mind that I would be meeting some of the Chambers’ team and perhaps a few board members for a drink, perhaps at Commerce House. We drove past there and joined the A500 towards Trentham, perhaps Stafford? Ryan even hinted at a favourite real ale bar he frequents.

Ten minutes later I am walking into the fantastic Lunar at World of Wedgwood and as I rounded the corner to the main room I was greeted by a cheer from a large crowd.

For once, I was rendered speechless and overwhelmed as I looked around and saw colleagues past and present, Board and Council members and so many friends from the last 12 years.

I’m trying to remember what I can because it was like your own wedding where everyone else tells you things you can’t remember from the day.

I can remember the fantastic poem, by the amazing Gabriella Gay; it was about me having dinner with Barack and Michelle Obama. Gabriella had asked me several years ago who my ideal dinner guests would be, and I had said the Obamas.

I was treated to speeches from ex-Chambers Presidents: Phil Wood, Paul Farmer and Kate Beardmore – as well as video tributes.

This was followed by canapes, drinks, and countless hugs. What a night! Certainly, one I will never forget.

As my days at Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce draw to a close its starting to hit home just what a fantastic journey I have been on for the last twelve years.

To think I didn’t know even one person who was in Lunar on Wednesday 12 years ago is mind-blowing.

Between the tears, I think I managed to say a few coherent things about all the people that have meant so much to me in my time here. Staffordshire people and the businesses here are warm, welcoming, generous and you look after one another. Believe me you don’t find this everywhere.

Everything we have achieved has been because we work together. And although it’s sad to say farewell I know that great achievements will continue because you want it so much.

Thank you all so much – you are amazing!

If you want to talk to us about any business issues, including funding, you can call our switchboard on 01782 202222, call the Business Helpline on 0300 111 8002 or email: [email protected]

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

1 Comment

  1. Good morning Sara,
    It was lovely to see you at Buckingham Palace for our OBE institute, even though we didn’t have chance to chat!
    My best wishes for both Christmas and I hope that you have a wonderful retirement. My thanks for everything that you have done for county over many years.
    Happy New Year!

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