Burton Barrel Roll Staffordshire.
The Burton Barrel Roll is expected to bring tens of thousands of people into the town in the summer.

Burton Barrel Roll: Town’s latest sculpture trail seeks support from businesses 

1 min read

Businesses are being encouraged to get behind a town’s next sculpture trail. 

Making Trails is planning to celebrate Burton upon Trent’s heritage and creativity with a sculpture trail featuring 12 giant barrel sculptures hand decorated by local artists around the town centre this summer. 

The Burton Barrel Roll is expected to encourage thousands of residents and visitors into the town to hunt out the sculptures during a 10-week period between July and September. 

Businesses and organisations are being invited to sponsor one of the barrels, either individually or as part of a group. 

A business event is being held on Monday, 12 February for people to find out more about the sponsorship opportunities available. 

Previous trails have brought ‘joy and positivity’ to people in the town.

Tilley Bancroft, owner of Making Trails, said: “We are looking for businesses to be advocates of the trail, help to get the word out there and sponsor the sculptures themselves. 

“We are also looking for businesses who can help schools and community groups to get involved. 

“There is so much that businesses can get out of being part of our project. 

“Our previous trails have brought a lot of joy and positivity to people in the town. They have also attracted a lot of positive PR so this is a great way for businesses to raise their profile, network with other sponsors through our events and make more business connections.” 

The Burton Barrel Roll is the third local trail organised by the Making Trails team, with the first two – Burton Swans, pictured above, and The Big Burton Carousel – collectively seeing over 35,000 visitors enjoying the events. 

This year’s trail is the first one to feature 3D fibreglass sculptures, which will be manufactured in Burton. 

The barrels will be placed in streets, open spaces and public areas and give a nod to Burton’s brewing history. 

Each barrel will feature the sponsor’s name, logo and details on its base. Other benefits for sponsors include invitations o trail events, brand exposure on the trail website, map, social media channels and app and the chance to offer rewards and deals to those taking part.  

Supported by the East Staffordshire Borough Council Ward Enhancement Fund, art sculptures in the trail will be later sold at auction to raise funds for a dedicated art piece in the town. 

The Burton Barrel Roll Business Event takes place at the Brewhouse Arts Centre, on Union Street, between 1pm and 2.30pm on 12 February. 

Click here to book. 

For more information about the trail, including a link to the sponsor pack, can be found here

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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