Crystal Klean team
Claire Gilbert, far right, and some of the team from her cleaning services company Crystal Klean.

Crystal Klean set to sparkle with further expansion after experiencing big business growth in first three years 

1 min read

The owner of a cleaning services company, who in just three years has seen her business grow from a standing start to a 31-strong workforce covering hundreds of properties, has targeted further expansion into commercial and residential markets. 

Claire Gilbert set up Crystal Klean following the first Covid lockdown in 2021 after someone asked if she would clean their house. 

Demand for her prestige cleaning services soon grew and Claire quickly had to take on employees as companies and other organisations started to employ her. 

The last 12 months has seen that demand increase massively and now she has a workforce of 31 and works for dozens of customers in Staffordshire as well as South Cheshire. 

Among her clients are leading insurers brokers Brown & Brown, ProtectaPet and AMB Insurance. She also has the cleaning contract for Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce

Crystal Klean team working
Members of the Crystal Klean team at work at Staffordshire Chambers’ headquarters Commerce House.

Claire, of Stoke-on-Trent, said: “I was originally working in finance for the banking sector but had a career break for around 15 years. 

“But just after the Covid lockdown I was asked by someone to clean their house and it just grew from there. 

“I’ve never advertised or commercially marketed Crystal Klean – everything is done by reputation and word of mouth. 

 “People liked what we were offering not just because we are trustworthy and reliable but extremely professional. 

“It is all about the people I employ. I have a massively supportive and positive team – and that really comes across in the work they do. 

“I also go out of my way to try and provide employment opportunities for people from all backgrounds and circumstances. Cleaning can be very therapeutic and so it can certainly help with mental health.” 

As the company has grown Claire’s role has adapted to be more promotional and spends time building the business profile through networking. She now has a part-time PA and some of the staff have been promoted to team leader positions to help handle the workload. 

Claire has also been elected onto Staffordshire Chambers’ Council and is now helping to shape policy to support businesses into the future. 

She added: “I was amazed by the number of votes I received when I was elected – it was one of the highest number ever, apparently. It actually made me cry!  

“But I do love attending the council meetings and raising the businesses profile through the networking opportunities. 

“My next aim is to see us expand by taking on some of the really big commercial venues in the area – it’s a challenge I’m really look forward to as it will take the company to the next level.” 

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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