Cutting red tape

New proposals aim to create a fairer regulatory landscape for business with less red tape 

1 min read

The Government is proposing to introduce 10 common sense principles that will cut red tape for businesses. 

A new White Paper raises the bar for regulators and includes a rule that new regulations can only be introduced when it is “absolutely necessary.” 

Steps to limit bureaucracy to help firms flourish include:  

  • Giving businesses such as local corner shops and cafés freedom to “self-certify” in low-risk cases so they don’t face needless inspections or mandatory training courses.  
  • Setting up a “register of regulators” as a “one-stop-shop” of all regulatory information. 
  • Drawing up a new Growth Duty Performance Framework which will make regulators more transparent about how they are helping businesses go for growth at every opportunity.    
  • Introducing a Share Once Support Register which will mean vulnerable customers only need to register with energy, telecoms and water companies once, ensuring their access to utilities is protected.     

A consultation process has been launched to get views on the easing of regulations in a number of areas, including the raising of the reporting threshold for SMEs. 

Feedback is being sought on whether pubs and bars should be allowed to provide al fresco drinks on their pavements. 

Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch said: “This Government is seizing the benefits of Brexit by reducing burdens on business, pushing down the cost of living, and driving growth in every corner of the economy.  

“The reforms will give entrepreneurial businesses more opportunity to innovate, experiment, and capitalise on the UK’s global leadership in key sectors.” 

Ron Quenby

Senior journalist with more than 25 years’ experience of working as a news reporter for provincial and national newspapers. Ron’s varied skills include feature writing, interviewing for real life stories and compiling specialist articles for in-house publications.

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