Guide dog Pebble
Working guide dog Pebble was part of an undercover operation in Lichfield to see if taxi drivers are complying with legal requirements to carry assistance dogs.

Praise for taxi drivers after undercover checks on taking passengers with assistance dogs 

1 min read

Taxi drivers in Lichfield have been praised by licensing officers after an undercover operation with Guide Dogs charity to check compliance with a legal requirement to carry guide or other assistance dogs. 

The exercise saw a Lichfield District Council officer joined by the charity’s regional policy and campaigns manager and her working guide dog, Pebble, to take journeys in taxis that had been booked in advance and from those parked on a taxi rank. 

No drivers refused to take the fare, although one did drive off when approached. However, he was able to prove that he had received a booking for another journey. 

Cabinet Member Councillor Alex Farrell said: “This operation was organised after receiving intelligence that taxi drivers have been refusing to carry visually impaired people accompanied by a working guide dog. 

“I’m pleased that all the drivers who were checked during this operation complied with their legal requirement to carry guide dogs and thank them for doing so. 

“Further operations are planned, and it’s worth reminding drivers that if they do refuse to carry an assistance dog, including a guide dog, they face having their license suspended or revoked, and prosecution.

“Guide Dogs is a fantastic charity and I’m very grateful for their support in helping us protect the rights of visually impaired people in Lichfield District.” 

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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