Middleport Pottery. Stoke-on-Trent.
World Crafts Council judges will be visiting sites around Stoke-on-Trent as they assess a bid to become a World Craft City. Photo: Chris Peach/i-creation.

Staffordshire Day visit by judging panel is latest step in Stoke-on-Trent’s bid to be a World Craft City

1 min read

Judges from the World Craft Cities programme are arriving in Stoke-on-Trent today -Staffordshire Day – to make their assessment of the city’s ceramics and crafts heritage.

Achieving the internationally-recognised title would link Stoke-on-Trent with 60 other prestigious “craft cities” globally, ensuring a host of collaborative opportunities.

The judging panel is being welcomed with a civic reception where it will be presented with a commemorative plate specially crafted by Duchess China.

Their visit will include a three-day programme of site visits and conversations across the city.

Designation under the World Crafts Council’s Craft City programme would offer Stoke-on-Trent worldwide recognition, showcasing its unique craft expertise on a coveted international platform. 

The status could attract more tourists, boost local innovation, and foster knowledge exchange and partnerships both locally and around the world. 

It would also encourage governmental and institutional support, helping with the sustainable development of local crafts industries.

Paul Williams, board member at Stoke Creates cultural compact and the tourism expert spearheading the city’s application, said: “It’s widely acknowledged that Stoke-on-Trent’s geography, history and identity have been indelibly shaped by craftsmanship and making linked to ceramics over the past three centuries. 

“As we continue to capitalise on the city’s newfound confidence and our future as a globally significant centre of art, crafts and contemporary culture, the attribution of World Craft City will not only celebrate the contribution made by the Potteries nationally, but help to boost our reputation as a creative destination globally.”

Ron Quenby

Senior journalist with more than 25 years’ experience of working as a news reporter for provincial and national newspapers. Ron’s varied skills include feature writing, interviewing for real life stories and compiling specialist articles for in-house publications.

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