Lisa Capper
Lisa Capper MBE, who is leaving her role as Principal and CEO of Stoke on Trent College.

Stoke on Trent College governors praise Lisa Capper’s drive and commitment as search for new principal gets underway  

2 mins read

Governors at Stoke on Trent College say arrangements for the recruitment of a new principal and CEO are now underway following the announcement that Lisa Capper MBE is leaving to take up a new role. 

Lisa has been appointed as CEO and Principal at Sandwell College and will start work there in November. 

She leaves the Stoke-on-Trent further education organisation after a two-and-a-half-year tenure at the helm and the Board of Governors has paid tribute to her commitment saying she has left the college firmly “on the map”. 

Jeremy Cartwright, Chair of Governors, said: “Lisa has worked tirelessly alongside our leadership and management team over the last three years to transform the College in terms of quality, people and finance and has led our new strategy ‘Skills Ready Future Ready’.   

“She has developed significant partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders and improved the College profile to enable continued success in meeting the skills needs of learners and employers – the College is now well and truly on the map.   

“Whilst we will miss Lisa’s personal drive, commitment and energy, we now have a strong and committed team at the College who will continue to drive forwards on all fronts. 

“Arrangements for the recruitment of a new CEO/Principal are underway.” 

Stoke on Trent College gv Staffordshire further education
Recruitment is underway for a new Principal and CEO at Stoke on Trent College.

Lisa joined Stoke on Trent College in January 2022. 

At that time it was facing financial recovery for a prolonged period with falling students numbers. She was instrumental in turning that situation around and the college reports it now has “outstanding financial health”. 

Other highlights include in December 2022 when the college was awarded a Good Ofsted rating – the first time in 10 years. 

It has also been successful in attracting and securing more than £14.4 million of capital funding for new buildings under her watch and seen a 21 per cent increase in student enrolments for 2023/24 – with a 96 per cent progression rate to a good job, further or higher education or apprenticeships. 

Lisa said: “Stoke on Trent College is a very special community and together we have achieved so much for our learners, employers, the city and surrounding area over the last few years. 

“The profile of the College, its commitment and dedication to learners in ensuring that they progress to successful futures and our work in continuing to create local impact and deliver on our role in the social well-being and prosperity of our communities will continue. I know that the highly effective leadership and management team supported by the Governing body will go on to achieve even more.  

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the College, working with what is a skilled and uniquely dedicated team.  

“It has been fantastic to get the support of partners in the city and county as well as my peers. I know that the Governors and team will continue to effectively lead the ‘Technical College of Stoke-on-Trent’ a college which the city and county can be proud of.”  

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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