Why we are so excited to be launching Focus on Friday

1 min read

Just a couple of weeks ago, as Daily Focus reached its 18-month ‘anniversary’, we said there were some exciting announcements just around the corner…

Well, here’s a big one!

Tomorrow, we launch Focus on Friday – a reimagined edition spotlighting lifestyle, places, attractions, culture, entertainment and events. It will feature all the content you need as you gear up for the weekend with the focus on business and place that you’d expect.

This is a move inspired by our readers and our love of Staffordshire. Readers tell us every day they enjoy the unrivalled business coverage we deliver every day – but also want more lifestyle, leisure, travel, tourism and entertainment. They’d like a different focus on our county’s places… and Staffordshire as a place. Now they can enjoy the best of both worlds.

We have the biggest B2B reach in Staffordshire by far and we cover every inch of the county – so this is a great opportunity for Daily Focus to play an even bigger role in promoting the places and people that really are worth shouting about, as well as providing a boost for our local economies.

There will be exclusive interviews and breaking news from our experienced reporters–– and we’re teaming up with some of the area’s high-profile ‘ambassadors’ and organisations including We are Staffordshire, Made in Stoke, We Love Stoke, Stoke Creates, the Business Improvement District teams and many more. Most importantly, we’ll be focussing on the businesses who make Staffordshire great.

It is another fantastic milestone for Daily Focus – the daily business news platform set up in partnership by i-creation and Staffordshire Chambers – anchored on experienced journalists, designers, photographers, marketeers and data specialists.

If all this whets the appetite and you want to be part of it – or have news that you are bursting to get out there – then drop us a line at: [email protected]

And, if you don’t receive Daily Focus already, then please subscribe for free so it’s delivered straight to your inbox every weekday 🔗 bit.ly/4cTmfR8

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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