The Punch Pubs & Co executive team all set for the outdoor sleeping event. Photo by Punch Pubs & Co.

Punch Pubs staff brave sleeping outdoors to support people getting back into work 

2 mins read

The entire executive team of an independent pub company joined a group of employees to spend a night without shelter to raise money for those facing homelessness and struggling to get into work. 

Punch Pubs & Co, headquartered in Burton upon Trent, has become the first hospitality business to join forces with Only A Pavement Away and host a company sleepout event. 

A total of 35 staff members took part in the Sleep Out to Help Out event earlier this week, which was held in the car park and beer garden of one of the firm’s pubs in Nottingham. 

Participants slept on ground sheets or boards and had just sleeping bags and layers to keep them warm. 

Despite the rain, everyone made it through the night, raising £6,000 with donations still coming in. 

They were joined by Only A Pavement Away Founder and CEO Greg Mangham. 

Punch Pubs & Co CEO Clive Chesser said: “I’m incredibly proud of the funds we have raised to support the invaluable work Greg and his team at Only A Pavement Away do for those who have fallen on hard times. 
“It was humbling for us to experience the feeling of sleeping without shelter, but it is only a fraction of what so many people endure night after night. For us, this was one rainy night in March, knowing we had the privilege and luxury of having a home to go to. 

“It reinforced to us all the unacceptable degree of inhumanity of homelessness, particularly in 2024, however the work of Only A Pavement Away reminds us that this is a vicious cycle which can be broken with the right intervention.

“By spending this night outside, I know that we were able to make a real difference to others as the funds raised go straight to the grants which the charity offers. 
“We look forward to continuing to grow our partnership with the Only A Pavement Away team and championing their brilliant work.” 

The charity exists to help those facing homelessness and struggling to get into work by offering career opportunities within the hospitality industry, facilitating training and development programmes, and offering financial support to overcome barriers to employment. 

The money raised by Punch will support approximately 20 people through their journey to get into work. 

Greg, who founded the charity with his wife Gill, said: “It never dawned on Gill and me when we started Only A Pavement Away that we’d have the support of a company like Punch. 

“Monday night was unbelievable that so many people gave up their time to both support us and experience the rigours of sleeping rough. 

“Punch should be so proud that they are the first hospitality business to hold a sleepout to support our members. The culture Clive Chesser has embedded into his team and how well he is seen and respected is an example to any team leader, big or small.”

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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