Business confidence up slightly in latest national QES results released by the British Chambers of Commerce

1 min read

The latest national Quarterly Economic Survey results released by the British Chambers of Commerce show a slight improvement in business confidence and conditions.

38% of firms, an increase of 2% from Q1, have experienced an increase in domestic sales over the previous three months, while 43% reported no change, and 20% a decrease.

After a static picture in Q1, business confidence has increased slightly in Q2. 58% of firms say they are expecting an increase in turnover over the next year compared with 56% in Q1. 29% expect no change and only 13% expect a decrease.

The localised QES results for Staffordshire businesses were exclusively revealed in Daily Focus last week. Click here to read the results.

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce said: “It’s really encouraging to see positive shoots of recovery from businesses across the UK. 

“Confidence has been improving among companies in recent months. Our data show the tangible impact of that positivity, as businesses report improved sales and cashflow. But investment levels remain an area of concern.

“Our message to the new Government is clear. We need a long-term economic plan that has the green transition at its heart, with a workforce fit for the future, living in thriving local places and powered by businesses that are globally facing and digitally enabled. 

“Business stands ready to work in partnership with Government to capitalise on the positive signs our data is showing.”

More detail on the QES results can be found here.

Tom Hammersley

Digital Content Officer at Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce. BA hons journalism graduate.

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