Traffic light and sky
Traffic lights at a busy Stoke-on-Trent junction are being upgraded.

14 weeks of works to upgrade city traffic lights begin

1 min read

Work to upgrade traffic lights at a busy Stoke-on-Trent junction is being carried out to improve traffic flow and reduce delays to buses passing through.

The scheme at Limekiln Bank in Bucknall was due to begin today, Monday 5 August, and is expected to take 14 weeks to complete.

Commuters have been warned that lane closures and temporary traffic lights will be in place whilst the upgrades – being done in three phases – take place.

The project forms part of Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s Bus Improvement Plan (BSIP), which is being funded by £31.6 million of government funding.

Councillor Finlay Gordon-McCusker, cabinet member for Transport, Infrastructure and Regeneration, said: “We are making it our mission to improve public transport in the city. We have already made some excellent progress through our BSIP project, and this latest scheme will build on that success further.

“However you travel, we want to ensure that you can get around the city quickly, easily, and affordably. This work will also aid us in our vision to become a cleaner, greener city by helping to reduce traffic and, therefore, emissions from stopped vehicles.

“Our city’s infrastructure is undergoing major transformation work at the moment, and we know that, although we will ensure disruption is minimised, there will be an impact on road users. We would ask residents to plan their journeys well in advance and thank everyone for their patience during this time as we make necessary improvements.”

Phase one will see the traffic lights at the junction of Bucknall Road and Leek Road removed and replaced.

The next phase will involve the removal of the traffic lights and the associated splitter island at the Dividy Road/Bucknall Road junction and a new traffic light system installed.

The final phase will see new line markings painted on the road.

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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