Mark Carr and fellow Director Natalie Hewitt.

Founding Director steps down at Hewitt&Carr Group 

1 min read

A Staffordshire-based group, that broke through the £1 million turnover mark for the first time this year, has announced changes at the top. 

 The Hewitt&Carr Group has announced to staff that one of its two founding directors, Mark Carr, was stepping down as a director – to pursue his passion of working with cars. He will remain with the Group on a consultancy basis. 

The Group, based in DaisyBank House in Cheadle, encompasses Hewitt&Carr Architects, Hewitt&Carr Services and Hewitt&Carr Developments.  

The Architect’s arm of the business was founded in 2011 by Mark and fellow Director Natalie Hewitt. Over the last thirteen years the business has grown and expanded with the creation of Hewitt&Carr Services and Hewitt&Carr Developments. And in the last twelve months each of the three separate businesses have celebrated their best year yet of trading.  

 Mark said: “From humble beginnings with a small office in Cheadle to a Group with three companies, hundreds of projects under our belts and an amazing team of 25, I will be forever proud of what we have achieved over the last 13 years. 

He said: “With the Group in such a strong position, now feels like the right time to step aside, and leave the running of all three companies in the very safe hands of Nat. I had a milestone birthday last year and have thought long and hard about my future since then. Anyone who knows me – friends, family, colleagues and clients alike will know that since I was a child I have had a passion for cars, doing them up, restoring them and driving them!”  

Natalie said: “We have both worked tirelessly over the last 13 years to achieve the success we have, and I know that this hasn’t been an easy decision for Mark to make. Myself and the team are incredibly sad to see Mark stand aside as a Director but also excited for his new future and adventures. Like Mark says anyone who knows him knows he is car mad, and he has our full support in pursuing his passion and we look forward to seeing his achievements.” 

She added: “For me now, our ambitious plans for the Group continue and we will be focussing on growing the businesses and doubling our Group turnover to £2 million by 2027.” 

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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