Engineering firm KMF Group has instigated a major machinery upgrade with a £900,000 order placed for a new punching machine.
The company expects the new machine, noted the be the ‘fastest punching machine in the world’, to enhance its sheet metal fabrication capabilities by uplifting CNC punching productivity.
It is set to be installed – replacing an existing punching machine – at KMF’s sheet metal fabrication facility in Newcastle-under-Lyme during the Christmas shutdown period in order to minimise disruption to production capacity.
The new advanced machinery is said to be part of the next phase of KMF’s investment programme and will strengthen its reliability and service provision for the long term.
Adam Ellis, Head of Business Development at KMF, said: “Investment in the TruPunch 5000 S12 marks a new chapter at KMF.
“As we move forward, we’re committed to implementing business objectives that will increase performance, automate processes and complement digitisation.”
The technology behind the TRUMPF TruPunch 5000 Large Format (S12) machine means that KMF, based at High Carr Business Park, will have the ability to punch at up to 1,600 hits per minute, and also mark parts at 2,800 hits per minute.
Additional features which meet the company’s long-term requirements include active die technology and condition monitoring.
Daily Focus reported at the end of last year that KMF had expanded its production capabilities by investing £425,000 in a state-of-the-art Bead Blast Room and a brand-new Salvagnini panel folding machine. To read more about that investment, click here.