Group of young people in technical vocational training with teacher LSIPs Staffordshire.

Clarion call to employers to join Staffordshire upskilling drive 

1 min read

Employers are being urged to join an initiative that helps remedy the skills shortage in Staffordshire by boosting education and training. 

The call has gone out from Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce, which has been selected by the Secretary of State for Education to lead the development and delivery of the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) in the county. 

It wants business leaders to join the organisation’s Employers Forum to pursue the Plan’s aim of putting the voice of local employers at the heart of learning and skills. 

They will support the LSIP in setting out actions that local employers, businesses, colleges and universities will need to take including making post-16 technical education or training more responsive and closely aligned to local labour market needs.  

One of the leading advocates of the county-wide initiative is Steve Tellwright, Human Resources Director of Stone-based industrial systems integrator Capula, pictured above.

As a member of the scheme’s governance board and Employers’ Forum he is helping to address the skills challenges and barriers that local firms are facing when recruiting or upskilling their staff. 

“I think it’s really important for the local area that we do something to improve training and education,” said Steve. 

“Staffordshire has lower than average academic standards and we need to improve those through schools, the further education sector and Universities.  

“Employers also need to continually provide training for their employees in all aspects of their role, whilst providing additional practical support in areas such as teamwork. 

“By raising educational and training standards we will be able to recruit capable employees, give them meaningful lifetime careers and as a result improve the social and economic standard within Staffordshire.” 

Under the LSIP initiative, Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce is bringing together employers, training providers and other key stakeholders across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire to respond to ongoing skills requirements. 

The Chamber’s Skills Hub is co-ordinating business and training providers to pinpoint local skills gaps and to provide a roadmap for enhancing the skills and employability of the local workforce. 

To complete the Hub’s employers’ survey and have your say on what skills are needed in the workplace today click here 

Ron Quenby

Senior journalist with more than 25 years’ experience of working as a news reporter for provincial and national newspapers. Ron’s varied skills include feature writing, interviewing for real life stories and compiling specialist articles for in-house publications.

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