The MiniMe Mindfulness Staffordshire Derbyshire team with the Franchise of the Year award.
The MiniMe Mindfulness team with the Franchise of the Year award.

MiniMe Mindfulness given Franchise of the Year award by children’s activities directory Club Hub 

1 min read

A former English teacher who set up as a children’s activity provider has won a national award – despite only being in business for less than a year. 

Claire Rushton-Plant started trading as MiniMe Mindfulness Staffordshire and Derbyshire in September last year, offering mindfulness and mindset sessions for children aged three to 13. 

She is now celebrating after clinching the Franchise of the Year title at the Club Hub Awards

Staffordshire Moorlands-based Claire said: “I feel bowled over to win. 

“It is great to have recognition from the award providers and I hope it will raise my profile locally and also build brand awareness. 

“The awards event was great, but was also set up as a training session with guest speakers from the children’s activities sector so I got the benefit of their wisdom to learn from.” 

Claire left behind a high school teaching career – started in 2005 – to run the franchise. 

“Post Covid, I had a number of children struggling in my classroom; not because of ability, but because of mental health. That meant they weren’t achieving their best because of what was going on in their heads,” she said. 

“I felt like I needed to do something to help and decided to become part of the solution. I love my new job.” 

MiniMe Mindfulness helps to teach coping strategies to children in a fun and innovative way. 

Claire was also shortlisted in the Start-up Business of the Year category at the same awards ceremony, as reported in Daily Focus here

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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