A property finance business has split its offering into two specialist brands as its expansion plans continue.
MoreA new initiative has been launched to support the local workforce and safeguard critical skills in Staffordshire through the transfer of unspent apprenticeship levy funds.
MoreStaffordshire farmers were amongst thousands who protested in London yesterday against the Government’s inheritance tax reforms.
MoreA fundraising campaign by a Stafford-based accountancy firm has funded potentially life-saving equipment for the community.
MoreA financial advice firm, which has increased its business by more than 50 per cent in the last 12 months, has moved to new premises in Newcastle-under-Lyme – and is set to hold two open days to launch its new home.
MoreA new Chair of the Board of Directors at Leek Building Society has been announced.
MoreFeedback from Staffordshire businesses is strengthening the county’s case in a letter to Chancellor Rachel Reeves ahead of this week’s budget, which urges her to back businesses and boost confidence.
MoreA loan scheme designed to kick-start growth for businesses across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent has been extended.
MoreA fall in number of accountancy, bookkeeping and auditing businesses nationally has been blamed on companies bringing processes in-house instead of relying on external support.