Tree planting and improving wildlife habitats are among the measures the grants will support.

Funding available to get green schemes up and running in Staffordshire Moorlands

1 min read

Grants to help schemes and ideas to address climate change get off the ground in the Moorlands are now available.

Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has opened the next round of its Community Climate Change Fund and is inviting new applications from community-based organisations taking measures to tackle the climate emergency.

Since it was established, the £20,000 fund has already distributed £8,500 to support a wide variety of projects and groups including energy efficiency measures in community buildings, tree planting, allotments, wild flowers in children’s play areas and engaging groups with environmental awareness. 

Small grants of between £200 and £500 are available to help measures which support delivery of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy. 

The aim is to encourage volunteers to work together and empower individuals and communities to take actions which:

  • Reduce local CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions 
  • Increase the ability of nature to absorb and store greenhouse gas emissions
  • Build resilience in nature to mitigate the impact of climate change

Cabinet member for Climate Change and Environment, Councillor Nigel Yates, said: “Managing our changing climate is a priority shared by the Council and so many of our residents and businesses. 

“We know that there are lots of people and groups with imaginative ideas and plans that perhaps just need a little financial help to get started.

“This fund was set up to provide that additional support and we’re delighted that we’ve already helped 17 projects in our District.”

All the information, including guidance notes and the application form, is available on the council’s website here.

The grants will support practical measures such as tree planting and habitat improvement; educative actions to increase awareness and the skills needed to change and adapt lifestyles; green travel and transport schemes; energy saving in community buildings; local food projects; and recycling and reuse projects.

The deadline for applications for this funding round is 31 July.

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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