Da Vinci Xi robot used in record surgery milestone at Royal Stoke Hospital, Staffordshire.
The surgical team at Royal Stoke University Hospital carrying out a hysterectomy with the help of the Da Vinci Xi robot.

Royal Stoke surgeon carries out record five hysterectomies in one day thanks to surgical robot  

2 mins read

A surgeon and his team from the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM) have carried out five hysterectomy procedures in one day – believed to be the first instance in the NHS. 

Consultant Gynaecologist Zeiad El-Gizawy and a team of nurses, anaesthetists and other surgery staff at the Royal Stoke University Hospital were able to complete the day’s record caseload using a state-of-the-art surgical robot. 

As well as speeding up the time required to carry out an operation, using the ‘Da Vinci Xi’ robot reduces post-operative complications and reduces recovery time.  

Zeiad El-Gizawy.

Mr El-Gizawy said: “Operating with the Da Vinci Xi robot is a much more effective way of doing a hysterectomy, enabling us to get more people into hospital and reduce our waiting lists, which is crucial at the moment.  

“There are much lower complication rates compared to conventional laparoscopy, and this reflects on the patient with significantly less post-operative pain, and quicker recovery time-they would normally be able to go home same day if the procedure is carried out in the morning.  

“Five hysterectomies in one day is to my knowledge a first in the NHS. It’s not just the equipment that makes this possible, we’ve got a fantastic team of nurses, anaesthetists and other surgery staff. There is a lot of teamwork and I can’t take credit for any of it, as I’m just one person in the team.”  

The five cases carried out included endometriosis and adenomyosis.  

Nicola Howle from Biddulph was one of the five patients to have surgery on the one day after suffering from endometriosis.  

She said: “Whilst I did have my reservations at first, I cannot recommend robotics enough to anybody who needs to have a hysterectomy. Recovery time is better because it’s around six weeks instead of eight to ten, and there’s not as much pain afterwards so you can move around more easily.  

“The whole procedure was explained to me leaving no doubts in my mind, and I am pleased with how I’ve healed. Mr El-Gizawy has been amazing, and from pre-admissions through to anaesthetics and the ward nurses, they’ve all been fantastic and I couldn’t ask for a getter service from a hospital, I’ve been really touched by it.”  

Mr El-Gizawy operating the Da Vinci robot.

Medical Director Dr Matthew Lewis said “It’s amazing that the Da Vinci robot has enabled our surgeons to achieve five hysterectomies in one day. This is good news for our patients as we now have shorter waiting times, quicker procedures, fewer complications and shorter length of stay.”  

UHNM is one of the leading centres in the UK with expertise in offering robotic surgical procedures. Since the inception of the robotic programme in 2014, almost 2,500 major robotic surgical procedures have been undertaken by surgeons in Urology, Colorectal, and Gynaecology.

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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