Adam Parkes, TogetherTown initiative in Staffordshire.
Adam Parkes, who is spearheading an initiative called the TogetherTown project.

Experienced educator launches campaign to enable community-level support for people with mental health issues 

1 min read

A former headteacher has launched a campaign to build up a network of community mental health first aiders. 

Mental health and wellbeing champion Adam Parkes is spearheading an initiative called the TogetherTown project. 

Alongside his non-profit organisation Taking Off The Mask he is aiming to develop supportive local communities, initially at local level. 

Mental health first aid training would be offered to workers in easily accessible places like pubs, shops, libraries, churches and leisure centres. 

“The idea is to bolster support for anyone who needs help,” said qualified Mental Health First Aid Trainer Adam, of Biddulph, who founded TogetherTown after coming through a personal crisis that left him on the brink of suicide. 

“We have a mental health crisis and that’s been made even worse following recent lockdowns, and access to services is getting increasingly harder and more time consuming.  

“People often won’t come forward to ask for help from health practitioners, but a network of volunteers would help to take away the barriers of stigma and embarrassment and provide a first port of call for anyone who feels in need of support.  

“The concept is simple. I want communities to have the capacity to pick up the shortfall in mental health services and the ability to support their own people.  

“Historically, towns would come together to assist those in need and I want this philosophy to return. Often a conversation, with someone who knows the potential issues, is enough to spur someone on to seek more support.” 

Adam is now in talks with a number of local councils and community groups wishing to know more about the project and its benefits.

Adam is the founder of Parkes Education which offers training and support for mental health awareness in schools.  Taking Off the Mask started life as a Facebook blog. 

Ron Quenby

Senior journalist with more than 25 years’ experience of working as a news reporter for provincial and national newspapers. Ron’s varied skills include feature writing, interviewing for real life stories and compiling specialist articles for in-house publications.

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