SMEs are being encouraged to help with a British Chambers of Commerce campaign.

Shaping a fairer workplace: British Chambers of Commerce Workplace Equity Commission calls for business leaders’ evidence to help develop campaign 

2 mins read

A call is going out to SME leaders in Staffordshire to provide evidence to support the British Chambers of Commerce’s campaign for a level playing field in the workplace. 

The Chambers have set up the BCC Workplace Equity Commission to analyse research findings and case studies with the aim of developing policies for Government and best practices for businesses enshrining equity at work. 

To help it make change happen the Commission is urging businesses, stakeholders and interested parties to contribute to their inquiry into the issue. 

By answering a series of questions about best practice and the key challenges to creating a fair working environment, respondents will help shape the direction of the campaign. 

The BCC Workplace Equity Commission plans to produce practical recommendations to help SMEs create more fair and equitable workplaces. 

The Commission is inviting submissions addressing any of the following questions: 

1. How do we create a culture where leaders ensure workplace equity is at the heart of business and where they commit to the cultural change required? 

2. What challenges do SMEs face in creating equitable workplaces and how can they be supported to overcome them? What are the critical factors that would help employers? 

3. What positive actions are businesses taking to develop equitable workplaces?  

a. What was the catalyst that led to the desire to change? 

b. What are the factors that made the initiative successful? 

c. What has been the impact of this investment? 

4. How can we support employers to accommodate the diverse and often complex needs of individuals that may limit opportunity?

5. What funding and/or support can businesses access to support their efforts to create more equitable workplaces? 

6. How can local government, Chambers of Commerce and other partners at a local level work together to support SMEs? Where are the examples of best practice in collaborative working? 

7. What change in government policy (UK and/or devolved) could make the biggest difference in helping SMEs to create equitable workplaces? 

8. What lessons can we learn from other countries? 

Gill Hunter, Managing Partner of Square One Law and co-chair of the Commission, said: “We want to hear from anyone who has experience or views on how SMEs can create workplaces that truly create a level playing field for everyone.  

“Personal testimony will help us fully understand how diverse workforces can be recruited and retained.” 

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce said: “To grow our economy, we need to nurture and support the ambition, skills and potential of people in every part of our community. 

“Everyone’s ideas, skills and experience are important to business and the economy, and must not be wasted.  

“We want to help businesses ensure a level playing field in our workplaces where everyone can achieve their potential. 

“We know companies are facing real economic challenges – but embedding equity into workplaces is good for business and the workforce and can improve productivity and growth.” 

  • The inspiration for the BCC’s three-year workplace equity campaign came from the findings of the BCC International Women’s Day research, published last March, that surveyed 4,000 people. The research found that many people are facing barriers to career progression and feel they are missing out on opportunities. 

Individuals and organisations interested in providing evidence to the commission can get in contact via [email protected] 

Ron Quenby

Senior journalist with more than 25 years’ experience of working as a news reporter for provincial and national newspapers. Ron’s varied skills include feature writing, interviewing for real life stories and compiling specialist articles for in-house publications.

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