West Coast Mainline, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.
The West Coast Mainline passing through Stoke-on-Trent Station. Photo Chris Peach/ i-creation.

Mayors asked to clarify Midlands to North West rail proposals so benefits for Staffordshire can be assessed 

2 mins read

Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce has written to the Mayors of Greater Manchester and the West Midlands asking for clarity over their proposals to improve rail connections between the two regions.  

Andy Burnham and Andy Street have revealed they are working with a private consortium to draw up plans following the cancellation of HS2 Phase 2, which would have linked Birmingham and Manchester via Staffordshire and Crewe. 

The two elected mayors said they are looking at three options: 

1. Enhance the West Coast Main Line 

2. Bypasses at the most congested parts of the line 

3. A completely new line – potentially following the route HS2 would have taken.  

The letter – co-written by Mike Herbert, Chair of the Chamber’s Transport Forum and Chamber Policy Adviser Declan Riddell – states that any enhancements to benefit the West Coast Mainline (WCML), which is currently at full capacity, are welcomed. 

The Mayors are also asked to provide more detail about each of the three proposed schemes, so the direct benefits to Staffordshire and the surrounding economy can be assessed. 

It also reinforces the need to maintain existing rail service frequency between Manchester, Stoke-on-Trent and London – as well as between Stafford and London – once the HS2 Phase One Handsacre Link is completed (connecting the high-speed route to the WCML near Lichfield).  

The Chamber also says it is open to participating in any future consultation events the Mayors hold regarding the proposals.  

Mike Herbert, Chair of the Chamber’s Transport Forum

The letter states: “We share your disappointment with the Government announcement to axe the northern leg of HS2, between Manchester and Birmingham. For many years, we lent our support to the construction of HS2 in its entirety, all the way from London Euston to Manchester Piccadilly.  

“We are intrigued by your recent announcement about your proposals to improve rail connectivity between Manchester and the West Midlands, in light of the decision to axe the northern leg of HS2.  

“WMCL is at full capacity and any improvements to free up capacity would be welcomed by our local business community in Staffordshire.  

“This will keep rail passenger services moving, as well as opening up the opportunity to shift freight from road to rail, reducing congestion on key routes between the West Midlands and the North West, such as the M6, M60, A50 and A500.” 

Declan Riddell
Chamber Policy Adviser Declan Riddell, who has co-written the letter.

The letter also goes on to detail potential locations for bypasses on the most congested parts of the line. 

It says: “The proposed route of Phase 2A of HS2 would appear to offer a solution to alleviate congestion in key WCML pinch points where capacity is squeezed.  

“The route offers the potential to create a rail by-pass of Stafford, following the proposed route of the former HS2 Phase 2A line between Colwich and Madeley.  

“This would circumvent capacity issues at Shugborough and also on the curved line to the south of Stafford Station. It would not only improve capacity but would also speed up those rail services which could by-pass Stafford.”  

It concludes: “Maintaining a strategic view of things, we hope that your proposals may deliver both development and regeneration opportunities.”  

It is understood Mayors Burnham and Street are preparing to submit plans to the Transport Secretary by the end of March. 

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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