A Polar energy storage system being instaled.

Budget battery storage company launched to help revolutionise affordable clean energy

1 min read

Leading energy storage firm GivEnergy has launched a budget battery storage brand to help break down financial barriers for bill payers.

The daughter company called Polar ESS has been developed to open up access to home battery technology and the clean energy market.

Founded in Staffordshire in 2018, GivEnergy has since expanded into a global Group employing around 500 employees worldwide. Its UK headquarters is based in Newcastle-under-Lyme and it has a manufacturing facility in Chemical Lane, Stoke-on-Trent.

Its newest Group brand – Polar ESS – offers an entirely new product range designed with the central goal of making home batteries more affordable for the average billpayer.

With a comparatively pared down offering, Polar ESS energy storage systems are available for circa 50 per cent of the cost of its parent company’s more premium offering.

An average sized system can be purchased for around £2000 (without the installation fee) – representing a drastically reduced initial upfront cost for the end user. 

Jason Howlett, GivEnergy Group Global CEO, with a Polar ESS inverter.

Dave Roberts, UK Managing Director at GivEnergy said: “Here at GivEnergy, we believe that every billpayer should have the means to power their life cheaply and cleanly – with home batteries as the new norm for all.

“As we look to improve the efficiency standards of UK homes, home batteries should now be a standard, well-known electrical appliance. They represent enormous cost and carbon savings for all billpayers, and should be a staple along with things like insulation and double glazing.

“But we recognise the investment that home batteries represent. We also recognise that our GivEnergy systems are top-of-the-range, and not universally accessible. 

“So, with that in mind, we’re proud to have developed a new, budget brand. Polar ESS is our great leveller in terms of empowering energy freedom for all. We’re hand-on-heart excited to be able to pull down the entry barriers to energy storage.”

The battery can then automatically power the home when energy prices peak. In the process, the billpayer can save circa 85% on their energy bills. The other upshot is that the home relies lies on the grid during peak hours, and so helps reduce the burning of fossil fuels in the UK.

Dave Roberts added: “Battery storage really is a no-brainer. But the fact remains that, up to yet, the technology has too often been a luxury for those who can afford it.

“The average billpayer is struggling with energy bills, inflation, and a cost of living crisis. Meanwhile, global carbon emissions must be cut if we are to achieve Net Zero. We know that home energy storage solutions can help tackle all those problems. So, we’re trying to making the tech as affordable for everyone as possible.”

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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