Ben Kelly-Walley of Willshees pictured with Violet Way Head Teacher Rebecca Harris and children.

Willshee’s helps to teach next generation about recycling 

1 min read

Around 260 primary school pupils were given a lesson in recycling and other environmental issues during a visit from waste and recycling company Willshee’s. 

The Burton-upon-Trent-based firm’s Business Development Manager Ben Kelly-Walley attended a school assembly at Violet Way Academy, in Stapenhill, to talk about the importance of recycling. 

The school children were set a poster competition designed to encourage families to recycle as much waste as possible. 

Ben said: “With the company hitting its 40th year milestone this year, we are keen to celebrate in all sorts of different ways. 

“Helping to educate the next generation seemed a very appropriate activity and it was interesting to hear the children’s thoughts about waste and everyone’s carbon footprints. 

“I would like to think that we have enlisted a new collective of ambassadors for reusing, recycling and recovering as much waste as possible!” 

Violet Way Headteacher Rebecca Harris added: “We thoroughly enjoyed having Ben at our assembly. 

“He gave the children some fascinating facts in bite-sized chunks about the importance of recycling and these were reflected in their competition entries. 

“It was good to show the children how they and their families can have a positive impact on the environment if everyone plays their part.” 

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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