Bobby's Ice Cream Parlour - Werrington, Staffordshire.
A sweet day for the owners of Bobby's who've been given permission to carry on trading.

Ice cream parlour told it can continue trading following support from hundreds of happy customers 

1 min read

The family behind a North Staffordshire ice cream parlour has been given the green light to continue trading. 

Bobby’s Ice Cream Parlour opened in Werrington in May, offering families a place to enjoy ice cream, sweet treats, animals to see and a place to play. 

Owners Craig and Natalie Taylor applied for part-retrospective planning permission in the summer to convert a former agricultural building to retail use, the creation of a parking area and improved vehicle access. 

They appeared in Daily Focus in September calling on customers to get behind their application, with 344 letters of support received. 

The plans were passed at a meeting of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council’s planning committee last week. 

The exterior of Bobby’s Ice Cream Parlour in Werrington.

Craig, who named the business after the couple’s son, told Daily Focus: “We are really happy we can continue with the ice cream parlour. It is a big relief for us to get the planning permission. 

“Bobby is named after my grandad who is no longer with us, and the business is more than just a shop to us – it is a proper family offer. 

“We have been overwhelmed by the support we have received.” 

The plans received 49 letters of objection from people with concerns such as traffic creation, noise from people and vehicles and insufficient parking. 

During the meeting, Natalie apologised to neighbours who have complained about the Springfields Farm business, saying the couple were “a little naïve and foolish” when they opened Bobby’s and “did not realise the correct procedure surrounding it”. 

She added: “However, I can assure you that we have learnt from our mistakes, and we shall not make these mistakes again.” 

Changes brought in to accommodate neighbours’ concerns include changes to the car park arrangements and the removal of play equipment, which included ride-on tractors and bouncy castles. 

Gaining planning permission means an indoor seating area can now be created at the attraction, which will help the business in the colder months. 

Craig, who has thanked the council and supporters, added: “We expected the conditions that were imposed and had already agreed to them. The play area has gone already and won’t be returning. 

“However, families will now be able to sit inside at a table to enjoy their ice creams and have a proper milkshake in a glass and dessert on a plate.” 

Bobby’s Ice Cream Parlour employs eight people and serves Snugburys ice cream. 

Craig and Natalie live on the farm and also run Taylor’s Butchers of Trentham and Bentilee

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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