Potteries Heavy Haulage vehicles
Potteries Heavy Haulage is to remain in Stoke-on-Trent after buying a former Severn Trent site in Meir.

Haulage firm set to expand with significant investment into former borehole site 

1 min read

The future of a family-owned firm in the county has been secured following a significant investment into a new site. 

Potteries Heavy Haulage, in Stoke-on-Trent, had been reviewing an option of moving to the North East due what it says is due to a lack of opportunities to expand in the city as an owner occupier. 

However, after a two-year effort to secure change of use permission for a site off the A50 at Meir, the purchase of the land from Severn Trent has gone through and the company is now planning to relocate from Burslem. 

Potteries Heavy Haulage, which moves abnormal and out of gauge loads throughout the UK and Europe, is to construct a 10,000 sq ft building on the site for vehicle maintenance and storage with improved driver facilities. 

It also plans to double the size of its mechanic team with the move and launch new services such as open-air storage from the 4.35-acre site, a former borehole and depot for the water company. 

Business Development Manager Mike Edwards said: “We have outgrown our current site and have been looking to relocate for many years but there is a real lack of sites available for owner occupiers in our city. 

“We are really pleased to have acquired this site and the necessary planning permission. Not only will we be in a better position for the road networks, it will give the company increased visibility and allow our company to grow. 

“We are looking forward to expanding our vehicle maintenance offerings.”  

Stewart Kellie, Property Development Manager at Severn Trent, said: We are always pleased when redundant brownfield sites such as this can be repurposed to bring employment opportunities to the area and support economic growth.” 

Property consultancy firm Carter Jonas acted on behalf of Severn Trent for the sale. 

Caroline Penn-Smith, Partner in Carter Jonas’ Birmingham office, said: “We received some very competitive offers for this parcel of land and are delighted to have completed the sale for our client. 

“The reuse of this surplus Severn Trent Water site will support a growing local business and increase employment opportunities in Staffordshire.” 

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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