Comedy night
A comedy night organised by Russell Roof Tiles will raise money for the company's Give4Good initiative.

Russell Roof Tiles hopes comedy night will start fundraising off on the right foot 

2 mins read

Russell Roof Tiles has organised its first-ever comedy night as part of its fundraising efforts for 2024. 

The Burton upon Trent-based manufacturer has pledged to raise another £50,000 for good causes this year and is planning to raise money to help The Footprints Family buy a new school bus. 

The charity, created by local lady Kerry Wanjala, is based in the town and helps vulnerable children and young people in Kenya. 

Six Russell Roof Tiles volunteers from across the UK including employees and partners are joining together with the aim of raising £5,000 for Footprints and will travel to Kenya for a week this summer to offer practical skills and support. 

They have come up with various ways to raise the sum including a car boot, race nights, recipe book and three peaks climb. 

Coral Hayward, Russell Roof Tiles
Coral Hayward, who is part of the Russell Roof Tiles ‘Footprints six’.

One of the team, Coral Hayward – wife of the company’s managing director Andrew Hayward – is raising money by organising a comedy night at the Pirelli Stadium, in Burton, on 30 May, featuring Steve Royle from Britain’s Got Talent,  Jamie Sutherland and Dave Twentyman who has recently supported Jason Manford and Sean Lock. 

Managing Director at Russell Roof Tiles Andrew Hayward said: “This year our ‘Footprints six’ are aiming to raise enough money to help buy a new bus for the charity. 

“This is a great example of how our efforts for our Give4Good initiative can have a long-lasting legacy that provides financial support to charities for many years to come. 

“I’m incredibly proud of our team, who continue to do an amazing job, volunteering their time and efforts to help raise money that will make a real difference.” 

Coral, who last year completed a 10,000ft tandem skydive for charity, said: “We’ve got a great team who are all really committed to helping Kerry and this amazing charity which does such a huge amount to change young people’s lives.” 

Footprints currently supports more than 45 orphaned and vulnerable children – with the oldest being 24 and the youngest who is just one. 

The charity has provided clean water, electricity, and the knowledge of farming techniques for local children and relies on donations to keep going, as well as fundraising events. 

The Russell Roof Tiles team started supporting the charity five years ago, when staff at raised £1,600 with a walking challenge, collectively taking more than 17 million steps over four-months – the distance from Burton to the Footprints orphanage. Last year they also generously donated money to reroof the school. 

Other members of the Russell Roof Tiles ‘Footprints six’ are Sue Gough and Dawn McLoughlin from the Burton team and Debbie Allen, Gillian Moffat and Jacqui Summers from the company’s sister site in Lochmaben, in Scotland. 

  • Tickets for the comedy night are selling fast, but a few spaces remain. They cost £15 or £25 for a VIP ticket. Doors open at 6.30pm. 

To book, call 01283 517 070. 

Hayley Johnson

Senior journalist with over 15 years’ experience writing for customers and audiences all over the world. Previous work has included everything from breaking news for national newspapers to complex business stories, in-depth human-interest features and celebrity interviews - and most things in between.

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