HS2 train at a platform
There is ongoing speculation over whether phase 2 of the HS2 project will be built.

HS2: Chamber Chief Executive calls on Prime Minister and Chancellor to voice clear commitment to project

1 min read

Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce’s Chief Executive has written to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt expressing deep concerns regarding uncertainty over the HS2 Birmingham to Manchester leg. 

In two hard-hitting letters Sara Williams OBE made it clear that ongoing speculation over whether phase 2 of the project will be built is weakening economic competitiveness. 

She says that while the Chamber recognises that the delivery of the high-speed rail project is taking place against an economic backdrop of risings costs and inflationary pressures, any further delay to its construction would be a massive blow for the economy and the north west of England. 

She said: “As a Chamber, we fully support the construction and arrival of HS2 services, connecting London, the Midlands and North West, helping to deliver investment, jobs and apprenticeship opportunities for local businesses in our area.  

“It will also play a pivotal role in meeting levelling up aspirations, reducing disparity between the north and south of our country.  

“HS2 is Europe’s largest infrastructure project and we firmly believe that it will help to boost regional growth through better local connections.  

“We know that many local businesses have made significant investment in the last few years, in order to be ready for when construction on Phase 2A of the line (Fradley to Crewe) gets under way.”  

Sara Williams OBE, Chief Executive of Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce.
Sara Williams OBE, Chief Executive of Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce.

She added: “Further to the south, the idea of HS2 services starting and terminating at Old Oak Common – some 4 miles west of Central London – is completely unacceptable.  

“We call on the Government to do the right thing and make a clear commitment to complete HS2 in full, all the way from the buffers at London Euston, to the buffers at Manchester Piccadilly.”  

There is mounting speculation that Prime Minister Sunak will make an announcement on HS2 phase 2A and 2B – the Birmingham to Manchester leg – this week ahead of the Conservative Party Conference… in Manchester. 

So far he has refused to comment saying he wouldn’t be drawn on speculation but restated that the Government was committed to levelling up. 

Map of proposed HS2 phase 2a and 2b
Map showing how Phase 2a and 2b should join Birmingham to Manchester via Staffordshire.

Staffordshire Chambers Policy Adviser Declan Riddell said: “As a Chamber, we’ve always supported the construction and arrival of HS2 between London and Manchester. We believe Staffordshire will benefit from an economic and social perspective from the project.  

“HS2 will bring apprenticeships, training and high value jobs into Staffordshire.  Local businesses stand to gain from opportunities which will arise from HS2.   

“The arrival of HS2 will free up rail capacity on the West Coast mainline and offer the potential to move freight from road to rail, supporting the country’s net zero aspirations.” 

Nigel Pye

Experienced journalist with a 30-year career in the newspaper and PR industry and a proven record for breaking stories for the national and international press. Nigel is the Editor of Daily Focus and Head of Creative at i-creation. Other work includes scriptwriting, magazine and video production, crisis communications and TV and radio broadcasts.

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